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Registration tourist homes in Andalusia
New registry holiday homes Andalusia

A new decree (28/2012, of 2nd of February) about homes for tourist purposes in Andalusia, will enter into force on 12 May 2016. The aim of this decree is to regulate the large market of homes belonging to individuals and let by them as a holiday accommodation at different periods throughout the year.

These lettings, by days or weeks, as well as the use and terms of the lease, were not regulated until now. Therefore, the purpose of this Decree is to ensure that these homes meet a series of minimum requirements to be let, establishing the rights and obligations of both owners and customers and requiring the registration of the homes.

Clearly, this Decree has a significant impact in Andalusia, especially in Costa del Sol and Axarquía, for touristic cities like Granada, Malaga, Seville, and municipalities such as Nerja, Malaga, Torrox, Fuengirola, Marbella, Mijas, etc., which have many homes used for rentals of this type.

What is a home for tourist purposes?

These are homes located on residential land, offered in exchange for a price for the accommodation of people on a regular basis and with tourist purposes. Homes are understood to be let on a regular basis for tourist purposes if they are marketed or promoted in a tourist marketing channel. E.g.: Airbnb, Tripadvisor, Windu, property agencies, etc.

If you are the owner of a home on residential land in Andalusia and, during the year, you offer it for letting for days or weeks, this home will have tourist purposes. Therefore you must comply with the regulations of this Decree if you wish to continue to engage in this activity legally.

Which homes are excluded from this regulation?

Rural homes (houses in the country side) offered for holiday letting are not regulated by this decree. However, they do have the obligation of registering as a tourist home in the rural environment (Vivienda de Turismo en el Medio Rural). Therefore the owners of these homes must also register them before the Government of Andalusia but under a different regulation.

Homes let by the same person for two consecutive months or longer are not considered holiday homes and, therefore, do not need to register. This refers to homes let under a lease agreement for a period exceeding 2 months.

If, during the year, you let your home for over 2 months but you also let it for days or weeks, you will have to register it. Lettings exceeding 2 months and lettings for days or weeks are compatible in the same home.

An exemption to the application of this Decree is established when a single person has 3 or more homes for holiday lettings, within a radius of approximately 1 km. In this case, this Decree will not be applicable and regulations on tourist apartments will apply.

What does this Decree entail?

The obligation to register any home on urban land that the owner whishes to use for holiday letting before the Registry of Tourism in Andalusia. Once the home is registered, a registration number will be issued that must be displayed when offered for letting. The home only needs to be registered once and the registration number can be used for subsequent letting. The owner is the one legally responsible for registering the home and this home can´t be used for holiday letting unless it is registered before the Government of Andalusia by 12 May this year.

What are the registration requirements?

  • The home must be on residential (urban) land.
  • It must have a Licence of First Occupation. If it does not have the initial occupation permit, a certificate from the City Hall showing the location and use of the home should be accepted, but we are waiting for the written confirmation of the Junta of Andalusia.
  • Depending on the season, all accomadations need to be equipped with cooling and heating. In this case, the period for the owner lacking these installations is extended until 12 May 2017 and the property may be let during that period.
  • The home must have the essential furniture and furnishings required for the total amount of persons it is rented out to.
  • first-aid kit is required.
  • It must have tourist information about the area, showing places to visit, restaurants, etc. A small tourist guide or advertisement from the corresponding tourist office can help you meet this requirement.
  • It must have complaint and claim forms available to customers in a visible place.
  • The home must be cleaned upon the check-in of new customers.
  • Linen and tableware appropriate for the number of people.
  • Contact telephone number to handle problems and emergencies.
  • Information and instructions about the appliances/equipment in the home must be available in a specific place.
  • Information must be provided about internal rules for the use of facilities, according to the regulations of the Residents’ Association (community rules).
  • The maximum amount of people allowed in the property is 15.
  • In case you are renting out a room, instead of the entire house, the maximum amount of people allowed per room is 4.
  • All bedrooms must have external ventilation through windows.

What are the obligations for each customer?

A contract document must be signed by all parties, showing the details of the property, the owner, the number of days of stay and the price of accommodation, as well as the identification of people with a copy of their passports or residence cards. We are talking about a simple document of just 1 or 2 sheets, that the owner must keep for a period of 1 year.

Likewise, the owner must notify the Guardia Civil (police) of the occupation of the home with each new customer. The owner must provide a copy of the contract and the passports/identity cards of occupants.

What happens if I don’t register my home in this registry?

Inspection services may review the situation and begin penalty proceedings. Be careful, because the fine may range from 2,000  to 18,000 Euros.

Furthermore, you have the obligation to allow inspectors to enter the home when they visit it to verify that it meets the requirements for letting. If you do not allow inspectors to enter the home, you could be fined for very serious misconduct, with a large penalty.

What else does this Decree regulate?

Among other things, it regulates the rights of customers in cases where there is a conflict with the owner regarding the price of the letting, check-in and check-out times, advance payments or deposits for letting, etc. Ultimately, it regulates the terms for prices, booking, advance payments and cancellation, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.

Taxes on income received

This registry is of an administrative nature, dependent on the Government of Andalusia and created to regulate the conditions of holiday lettings. It has nothing to do with the obligation to pay taxes on rental income. Likewise, if your home is registered in this Registry but you do not rent it out, it will have no cost to you.

The payment received for letting a home -either for holidays or long-term (longer than 2 months)- must be declared before the Tax Agency, which depends on the Central Government. The income tax you pay depends on the fact wheter you are a fiscal tax-resident in Spain (IRPF tax) of not (IRNR tax).

Legal advice

Even though the Decree will enter into force on 12 May, it is already possible to start the process to register homes in this Registry. If you have one or several properties being let as holiday homes you must register them before the Government of Andalusia. We can take care of processing the documents you need to register your home. We can also inform you about all the requirements that your home must meet and your obligations as its owner. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 0034 – 952 532 582 or

Author: Gustavo Calero Monereo, C&D Solicitors (lawyers)
Torrox-Costa (Malaga/Costa del Sol/Nerja/Andalucia)



Cadastre registration Spanish properties
Cadastre registration Spanish properties

The cadastre is a compulsory administrative register which depends on the Ministry of Finance. It keeps the description of rural and urban properties as well as properties with special features. This register has nothing to do with the Land Register, where registrations are voluntary and legally prevails over the Cadastre.

Cadastral registration by property owners is compulsory, as provided by Article 11 of Spanish cadastral law Ley del Catastro Inmobiliario; that is, title holders to the properties shall declare before the Cadastre Office any variation or modification as for example: conveyance, new constructions, land partitions and additions and any other necessary information so that cadastral descriptions of properties are in accordance with the facts.

Consequently, owners’ obligation to adapting the physical reality of the property to the cadastral facts is clear.

Articles 70 and 71 of the Spanish law Ley del Catastro set out the rules on infringements and penalties, so that “failing to submit declarations, submit them after deadlines or submitting false, incomplete or incorrect declarations” may be considered an infringement punishable by a fine from 60 to 6,000 Euros. To date, we have no evidence that the Cadastral Register is penalizing owners for failing to submit the necessary declarations, although these are not submitted.

The problem that we have noted is that the Cadastral Government Office in Malaga refuses to accept modifications on properties built on non-developable lands and requested by owners or their legal representatives, despite it is deemed that the documents legally required has been submitted for these proceedings. We reiterate that the Cadastre is a compulsory register and as a result it is important to be taken into account.

As far as we understand, the Cadastre systematically refuses some variations and modification on non-developable lands; consequently, it is requested additional documentation which we consider to be unnecessary and should not be demanded according to Spanish law. In view of this situation, which we understand that is not applicable to law, our law firm has filed complaint actions against different administrative proceedings, which are pending to be resolved by the Economic Administrative Court of Malaga.

If owners are obliged to declare their property modifications or variations before the Cadastral Register Office and their legal documents are provided, what is their responsibility if the Cadastre denies their request or asks for further documentation that owners do not have?

From our point of view, the fact of requesting the cadastral variation or modification providing the necessary documentation should exempt owners from any infringement imposed by the Cadastral Register, since they did their best to adapt the physical reality of their property to the cadastral facts.

On the other hand, the Minister of Finance approved last year the cadastral regularization procedure 2013-2016, by which the Real Estate Cadastre intents to incorporate ex-officio urban and rural properties with constructions, as well as any variations of their features, so that these properties are recorded in the Cadastral Register and the Spanish property tax IBI may be collected.

In Malaga, just a few municipalities has acceded to this procedure, by which owners are requested the payment of a 60 Euros fee to carry out this regularization, although it is probable that other municipalities also accede to this procedure in the following years.

To sum up, and despite the existing difficulties to register in the Cadastre some modifications or variations, we advise owners to check if their property is correctly registered in the Cadastre, so that they may request before this register office the necessary modifications and variations to adapt the physical reality of their property to the cadastral facts. As a result of this action, they will avert potential problems.


Author: Gustavo Calero Monereo, C&D Solicitors (Torrox-Málaga)


New building declaration and Land Registry records
New building declaration and Land Registry records

The possibility of registration in the Land Registry of constructions without building permits after four years of completion, is provided by a State regulation – Spanish Royal Decree Real Decreto 1093/1997 of 7th of July, Section 52 provides this possibility, as well as the following requirements for this registration: 1) proceedings of town planning discipline shall not appear in the Land Registry against the construction; 2) the time fixed by law shall have been elapsed in order to “tackle” this infraction through the administrative procedure and 3) certification of the year of completion of the construction.

Thanks to the above mentioned Section of the Royal Decree, thousands of constructions have been registered in the Land Registry, although they did not have the building permits or the constructions did not comply with the conditions of the building permits.

This Section has not been modified and is still in force, however some elements has been incorporated to increase the requirements demanded by the Land Registry offices and to “toughen” the requirements for the admission of this registration, as for example:

1) Amendment of Section 20.4 of the Spanish Land Law which refers to the declarations of new buildings and incorporates a new requirement for its registration in the Land Registry—the submission of a certificate from the city council stating the fuera de ordenación (out of ordination) condition for this construction.

2) As a result of the approval of the new regulation Reglamento de Disciplina Urbanística (town planning discipline regulation) by the Junta de Andalucía Regional Government in May 2010, pressure and control have been increased above these constructions located in non-developable (non-urbanizable) lands. The Junta de Andalucía have notified the Directorate General for Registries and Public Notaries, so that they demand new obligations for the registration of declarations of new buildings, as for example, the submission of a certificate from the city council, so that the Registry record the “fuera de ordenación” condition (out of ordination) or the “asimilado a fuera de ordination” condition (assimilated to out of ordination).

3) Some Land Registry offices have begun to demand the submission of this certificate from the city council as an essential requirement for the registration of the declarations of new buildings.


What do all these changes mean for owners who want to register their home?

In the event that in the future the Land Registry requires owners the submission of this certificate from the city council to register their home, swimming-pool, garage or any other construction in their property, these below may be the consequences:

1) Increase of the economic costs for the declaration of the new building, because some city councils are approving ordinances for the payment of fees for obtaining it, as they need financial resources; in some cases, these costs may range between EUR 2,000-5,000, depending on the square meters of the property.

2) As any other application to city councils, this procedure would be slow and may imply several months until obtaining the certificate; in case owners need to obtain the declaration of new building urgently because of a sale, this period of time may become an important handicap.

3) The fact of recording in the Land Registry the fuera de ordenación” (out of ordination) condition or asimilado a fuera de ordenación” (assimilated to out of ordination) condition on their property, implies the documentary evidence of some limitations, which may affect the sale price when transferring the property to a prospective buyer. It is also worth mentioning that the prospective buyer may demand a discount in a possible transaction regarding this fact.

To sum up, in the event that the Registry offices toughen in the future the requirements to register any construction in the Land Registry and the resulting increase of the costs and period of time for the procedure completion, we advise you to take advantage of the current situation and execute the Public Deed of Declaration of New Building of your home as soon as possible and submit it to the Land Registry to avoid any problem in the future.



Author: Francisco Delgado Montilla, C&D Solicitors (lawyers)
Torrox-Costa (Malaga/Costa del Sol/Andalucia)



More lifetime mortgages (reverse mortgage) Spain
More lifetime mortgages (reverse mortgage) Spain

Lifetime Mortgage (reverse mortgage)

According to the report published by “Optima Mayores” Advisers, the demand of lifetime mortgages has increased to 17% (19,900 applications) until April in comparison to last year same four-month period.

This increase in the lifetime mortgage demand matches the senior citizens’ growing needs to obtain an income and the better knowledge of this product in Spain, where it was first launched in 2004. Spanish Senior citizens’ pensions are at 40% below the European average, what indicates their necessity to face their retirement financing with a peace of mind. Regarding British senior citizens, the Euro and Pound Sterling exchange rate fluctuation has also reduce their earnings.

What is a lifetime mortgage?

A lifetime mortgage is a financial product that consists of a loan for seniors aged 65 or older or dependents, secured against the home where they live. They retain ownership of their home until they die, when their inheritors shall repay the loan or sale the property.

The maximum loan to be granted is based on a percentage of the property appraisal value. Then, the homeowner may receive a regular fixed amount or a lump sum payment.

Who qualifies for a lifetime mortgage?

The following requirements shall be fulfilled to qualify for a lifetime mortgage:

–        The applicant or the selected beneficiaries shall be aged 65 or older; or otherwise, they shall be individuals with high to severe dependency levels.

–        The borrower shall receive the money from the loan in regular fixed amounts or a lump sum payment (incomes).

–        Only the creditor (banks or savings banks) is entitled to demand the repayment of the debt and the mortgage foreclosure when the borrower dies, or if provided in the agreement conditions—when the last of the borrower’s beneficiaries die. The mortgaged property shall be valued and insured according to the Spanish legislation in force.

These are the official requirements to be protected by the Spanish legislation regulating this type of loans and to be entitled to the tax advantages established by this legislation.

Clients and banks may freely agree about lifetime mortgage transactions which include a varied set of terms and conditions; consequently, a professional advisor’s counselling in this proceeding is a determining factor for the good end of the agreement to enjoy the best advantages and conditions available.

Spanish legislation regulating lifetime mortgages

In Spain, this type of mortgages are regulated by Law 41 of 7th of December 2007—Mortgage Market Reform legislation.  This Law provides that the lending institution is obliged to offer an independent advice to individuals, so that the consumers’ rights are preserved and the economic and financial conditions suit their needs. This counselling and negotiation tasks are normally provided by specialised lawyers and companies offering this service to private customers.

If you are thinking about a mortgage which best suits your economic needs, take your time and ask for advice to specialised lawyers. They will ensure the best deal for you.

Author: Francisco Delgado Montilla, C&D Solicitors (lawyers)

Torrox-Costa (Malaga/Costa del Sol/Andalucia)



Legal importance of correct inscription in both Spanish Cadastre and Land Registry
Legal importance of correct inscription in both Spanish Cadastre and Land Registry

Although little by little the situation is changing in an important way for the real estate owners, this can not be used to comply with the obligation established in the Real Legislative Decree 1/2004, of 5 of March, in that the text is approved refunded of the Law of the real estate land registry, of recording to its name the property that it possesses or the one that it has just acquired, whether by means of buying and selling, succession or any medium, or to record  any physical change that be produced in this, whether group, segregation, new work…etc.

This “bad” custom nowadays can have quite serious consequences in the enjoyment of the right to the property on the part of any person that possesses good real estate in Spain.

Article 1 in their first section of indexed norm is that to regulate the land registry defines the same one as “…a registration administrative clerk of the Treasury Department in which the goods are described urban, rustic real estate and of special characteristics just as they are defined in this Law”. Subsequently in its second section it exposes that this Law is applied in ah the Spanish territory.

Any owner of a dwelling or plot, or both it should be affirmed that the details of the property coincidence with the physical reality of the same or with the title of property, normally Public Deeds for three important motives from a practical point of view.

1.- Because the Real Decree indexed at the start of this article and that to regulate the real estate and registry, collected explicitly in their article 70, establishes the classification of simple tax infraction, the lack of presentation statements done, does not perform in a time limit and the ones that be false or inexact, that is to say that the people that acquire a good real estate, or those being the owners segregate, they group their plot, or they expand the metres of their dwelling, but they declare said alterations or modifications in the land registry through the official forms, can be guilty persons with a fine that oscillates between 60.00 and 6,000.00 euros according to the circumstances. That is to say, since it is an obligation imposed by normal ranks of Law, the obligation to declare in the land registry any variation or modification of the property on the part of its holder, if it does not comply the same, there can be sanction.

2.- Because upon being a public registration, the land registry that incorporates the plans of each one of the plots or properties of each municipality with inclusion of the sensitive data of the same, without a person with a plot or property does not have the same one recorded in the land registry, or the same one presents some error in its inscription or, still being collected in the land registry, is not to it’s name and did not carry out the corresponding change of property ownership, can be found with the unpleasant surprise that its neighbour, for example, recorded in the land registry its property or carries out some modification of the same that can affect him to its boundaries and, if its property does not appear as its name in the land registry or the same not even appears recorded as we have commented, the and registry wit not be able to notify him that its neighbour is going to proceed to carry out a change and that you have a period of time to allege what estimates convenience. That is to say, if that property modification of its neighbour affects him in the use and enjoyment of his property, you will not be able to allege anything in defence of his interests and, possibly, its neighbour will be able to carry out that alteration in the and registry with the damages that this can cause him in his property. And all because you did not do what the law obliges when you bought the property or when you carried out the modifications in the same one that is perfectly recorded in the land registry the details of its property.

3.- In any operation of buying and selling of good real estate, the notaries are obliged to request descriptive property certificates and graphics since said information can obtain by telematic way. In the supposed one that they cannot contribute that document because there exists some problem in the and registry with the buying and selling of said property, they have to make it to be evident in the Public Deeds and, although that lack of contribution of the property reference by means of the certificate does not impede that the notaries authorize said Deed, neither does it impede the inscription in the Registration of the Property of the same, except in supposed punctuality, the problems that can arise for the good of the operation should be keep in mind, since that the buyer of said real estate before the warning of the notary have doubts of the situation of said property and this can cause the break, or at least the complication, of said operation of buying and selling. It is kept in mind that, although the Public Deeds be the reliable document of property, the land registry is used to being but exact with the existing reality in the real estate, since it incorporates in their fiat detailed database that they be brought up to date from time to time and in which the changes are incorporated that themselves are not collected in the titles so much as relating to the dimensions of the plot and boundaries, as in the constructions that be carry out in the same.

In conclusion, i would like to emphasize that the correct inscription in the land registry of any property has as main consequence in the legal security of the proprietary person of the same and of the person that can acquire it in the future, as well as of administrative agencies. If you have a property real estate in Spain or are thinking to acquire one, be sure that the same one found recorded in the land registry is with at the most important date; situation, ownership, extension and boundaries.


Author: Gustavo Calero Monereo, C&D Solicitors (lawyers)
Torrox-Costa (Malaga/Costa del Sol/Andalucia)



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