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Tax payment for renting out your Spanish home
Tax payment for renting out your Spanish home

Information on tax payment for renting out when you investi in a property in Spain: The number of foreigners interested in buying a property in Spain as an investment or just to be able to enjoy their holiday periods is constantly increasing. Over the last few years, the rental market, in particular tourist rentals, has grown enormously in Andalusia, especially cities on the Costa del Sol and the Costa Tropical, such as Málaga, Nerja, Almuñécar, Marbella, Benalmádena, etc.

More than a few home buyers in Spain are attracted by investment prospects through the earnings obtained by renting out their property. As expected, earnings obtained from renting such properties -either through a permanent contract or through holiday rentals- must be declared in Spain by both fiscal residents (yearly IRPF tax) and non-fiscal residents (quarterly IRNR tax).


What taxes are currently paid by non-Spanish residents?

Since 2016 citizens resident in the European Union, Iceland or Norway have to pay 19% of the profit obtained from rentals. Non-EU citizens must pay 24% of the earnings obtained from renting out their properties. This difference in taxation has resulted in a complaint to the European Commission for discrimination of non-EU citizens, which is pending resolution on the date of publication of this article. This of course is an important matter for British home owners after the Brexit, because when Great Britain leaves the EU under the current ruling they would be considered Non-EU citizens and would therefor pay more taxes.


Can non-residents deduct expenses?

Citizens non-resident in Spain but resident in any country of the European Union, Iceland or Norway can deduct the same expenses as citizens resident in Spain for short-term rentals. The only exception would be for properties rented as permanent homes of the renter as residents in Spain can deduct 60% of what is paid by the tenant while non-residents cannot apply this deduction. Official costs can only be deducted proportionally depending of the total amount of days that the property was rented out. For example, if you rent out 90 days a year, you can only deduct 25% of the yearly costs. Citizens not resident in the European Union, Iceland or Norway cannot apply any type of tax deduction, for which reason they would pay IRNR-taxes on the gross profit received from renting the property.

Tax payment for renting out


What expenses can be deducted?

Citizens resident in the European Union, Iceland or Norway can such as property taxes, waste removal or fees for the homeowners’ association. They can also deduct other expenses, provided that they can show that they are financially linked to the rental activity, such as interest on loans, repair and maintenance expenses, electricity, insurances, water or gas expenses, etc.


When do you have to declare this IRNR with tax payment for renting out?

Payment for income obtained by citizens non-resident in Spain from the rental of their homes takes place quarterly through submitting form 210. If you own more than one property, one form must be submitted for each. This form must be submitted within the first 20 days of April, July, October and January, i.e. it is necessary to submit four forms per year, declaring the rental income for the 12 months of the year. Homeowners who rent out their properties as holiday rentals can submit, in the same form 210, all income received from rent for the three months declared, even if it comes from different tenants.


What can happen if I fail to declare rental income?

If the Spanish treasury detects you are renting your home without declaring anything, it will initiate proceedings to send you a settlement proposal, which will entail late interest due to declaring your income after the due date. Likewise, the treasury is sure to initiate a penalty procedure where you could end up paying a fine of 50% to 100% of what you failed to declare. Currently, thanks to the internet and digital home rental platforms, such as Airbnb, HomeAway, SpainHoliday and Tripadvisor, the Treasury has carried out several inspection campaigns over the last few years, requiring thousands of homeowners to regularise their rental situation.


What about the RTA rental license and the Guardia Civil?

To be able to publish your property on online rental platforms you need to have a RTA rental license of the Registro de Turismo de Andalucia, both for urban and rustic properties. If you don´t have this license yet, we could apply for it on your behalf and inform you about all official requirements that secure a safe and qualitative home to the renter for which you could get an inspection. Urban properties also need their Firsts Occupation License and if you don´t have this yet, we recommend that you contract an architect to apply for it at your Town Hall. Standard licenses for rustic properties (“alojamiento turistico”) have a limit of 90 days a year and you can´t offer extra services like breakfast.

The last thing that you need to know if you rent out your property to tourists, is that you are obliged to report all arrival within 24 hours to the Guardia Civil (Police) through their online platform.


What do I need to arrange?

Well, even if you don’t like paying taxes, just as most of us don’t, we advise that, if you are renting your home in Spain, you regularise the situation and submit form 210 so you can pay the treasury for the profit obtained from renting the home.


Author: Gustavo Calero Monereo, lawyer at C&D Solicitors Torrox (Málaga, Andalusia)



RTA, andalusian, taxes, occupation licence
RTA registration property rentals

It’s been two years since the entry into force of Decree 28/2016 regulating RTA FOR HOLIDAY RENTALS for properties in Andalusia.Half of all holiday rental properties in Andalusia registered before the Tourism Registry of Andalusia are located in the province of Malaga, according to the information published by Diario Sur in February 2018. This means that, in Malaga, there are over 18,000 tourist apartments registered.

It is important to remember that property rentals are subject to taxation as they must comply with the holiday rental laws in Spain.

RTA FOR HOLIDAY RENTALS: inspections and penalties

The same newspaper has published that, in Malaga alone, there have been 1,354 inspections and 250 properties have been fined.

One of the most important requirements to be met by these properties is that they must have an initial-occupation licence as well as cooling and heating equipment. Once an RTA / VTAR number has been obtained, the property owner is required by Spain’s holiday rental laws to include the registration number in advertising as well as in the promotional page on AirBNB or similar platforms offering these properties as holiday rentals.

Initial-occupation licence requirement

If the property does not have an initial-occupation licence, it should not be registered before them. I use the word “should” because the registration form is an affidavit, for which reason the property owners submitting it declare, under their responsibility, that the property meets all the legal requirements and the Andalusia Council will register the property automatically, without performing any prior inspections. However, if an inspection later finds that the legal requirements are not met, the owners will be fined.

There are many properties without an initial-occupation licence, due to different reasons, such as the age of such buildings, problems with the housing development, etc. This has driven some municipal councils to implement a specific procedure to obtain an initial-occupation licence solely to register the property before the Tourism Registry of Andalusia. Some of these councils are Málaga, Mijas and Benalmádena.

Nerja Council

The situation of holiday rental law in Nerja deserves a special mention. Nerja Council has paralysed the granting of initial-occupation licences since the entry into force of the Tourism Decree.

A month and a half ago, the council also established a procedure to grant such initial-occupation licences only for the purposes of registering properties before the Registry of the Andalusia Council (RTA). The website of the municipal council now includes the form necessary to file this application.

Over one year ago, our firm requested a copy of the initial-occupation licences of different properties in Nerja and, two weeks ago, we started receiving responses from Nerja Council.

Fortunately, the situation of these holiday rentals in Nerja seems to be in the process of being brought in line. This is definitely good news for all interested property owners as well as potential property buyers who will have the ability to obtain the initial-occupation licence necessary for registration.

Properties located in towns with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants

Another significant change that took place recently in the regulations set down by the Andalusia Council is that affecting holiday rentals located in towns with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. These are towns such as Torrox, Viñuela, Alcaucin, Frigiliana, Competa, as well as most towns in La Axarquía.

Properties in these municipalities are not eligible for the 2016 Decree due to the properties being located in towns with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. However, since February of this year, it is possible for them to be eligible for the 2016 Decree as they will no longer be considered rural properties, which, until now, was the only way to register these properties as holiday rentals.

RTA list of holiday rentals registered in Malaga

Due to the boom in holiday rentals in certain cities, such as Malaga, the Council has published a list of the registered holiday rentals.

This tool seeks to inform tourists about accommodation possibilities in the city and is also a tool to control the tourism boom affecting the city.

It should be noted that Malaga city is currently experiencing a significant boom in tourism, especially around the historic city centre. This has led to the emergence of plenty of tourist accommodation options, which has resulted in price rises for long-term lettings due to the low property supply as owners opt to offer the properties to tourists instead.

Over the last year, the historic centre has lost residents to holidaymakers. The Malaga Council is already debating the measures that should be taken to limit or regulate holiday rentals and make residential and tourist use compatible, so that residents are not lost and it is possible for people in the community to access rental homes, taking into account the average income in Malaga.

You can see the case of Palma de Mallorca, whose Holiday Rental Norm prohibits holiday rentals.

Tax payable on the profits obtained

It is important to remember that property rentals are subject to taxation, for which reason owners –whether resident or not (IRNR)– must declare the profits obtained from such rentals.

Non-resident owners must declare such profits through form 210, which is submitted quarterly. Fortunately, since January of this year, the procedure has been simplified to make it possible to declare, in form 210, all the earnings obtained from renting the existing or new build property as a holiday rental over the quarter, even if they come from different occupants. This modification has been introduced with the intention of making it easier for property owners to comply with the holiday rental laws in Spain.

If the non-resident property owner owns several properties, a separate form 210 must be submitted quarterly for each one, and 19% of the total earnings obtained will be paid as tax, with the ability to deduct certain expenses according to the period of rental during that quarter.

It is interesting to note that, if you are tax resident in Spain, holiday rental laws impose higher tax rates than those applied to residential rentals.. This is the case because the Tax Agency allows these residential rentals used as the tenant’s usual residence to apply a reduction of 60% over the positive net return obtained from the rental. However, this deduction is not allowed for holiday rentals offered by tax residents.

Currently, there are still many property owners who do not declare rent but, if the Tax Agency devoted some attention to this matter, it could start inspection proceedings ex officio, by simply visiting a few websites and comparing them to the list of properties registered in the Tourism Registry of Andalusia.

Author: Gustavo Calero Monereo, lawyer at C&D Solicitors Torrox (Málaga, Andalusia)


Time for payment your income tax for non residents in Spain (IRNR)
Time for payment your income tax for non residents in Spain (IRNR)

If you are a non-resident in Spain and own a property there, you are liable to Spanish Income Tax for Non-Residents payment (Spanish IRNR). This issue was already considered in former article on our website.

You would have to pay this year the IRNR income tax for non-residents of 2015. This means if you owned, bought, sold or inherited a Spanish property in 2015 and you are NOT a fiscal resident in Spain, then you are obliged to pay your yearly IRNR income tax for non-residents this year (Impuestos sobre la Renta de No Residentes). As a service to our customers C&D offers to take care of this tax application and its payment through direct debit before the end of this year.

When a property is owned by a married couple or several persons, each of them becomes an independent taxpayer, so that they should file tax returns separately according to the ownership interest they have on this property.

This tax duty needs to be done before the 31st of December 2016. If you want to pay through direct debit, though, it needs to be submitted before the 22nd of December 2016. The tax liability will be calculated with the tax information of your property following the cadastre registry, usually the tax payment it isn’t going to be so much.  If you miss this obligation you could be fined by the Tax Authorities.

Tax form 210 is used to pay this tax and it can be downloaded from the official web of the Spanish Tax Authority (A.E.A.T.). It is worthy mentioning that it is not easy to understand them.

Our office is currently dealing with the IRNR season 2015. The deadline to file this tax return expires on the 31st of December of this year. Although if you want to place the payment as a direct debit in your bank account the form must be filled before the 22nd of December.


If you want to hire our services for this tax duty, we will be pleased to help you.


Author: Francisco Delgado Montilla, lawyer at C&D Solicitors Torrox (Malaga / Andalucia)


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